Saturday, February 16, 2013

seeds of new life

1:28 a.m.
Words spoken to me as I awoke:
"The Seven Sermons of the Dead."
"Seeds of new life are found in old jars."

I got up. The book was marked. I opened it.
"Since God is in the soul rather than in a remote heaven
it would be injurious to the health of the soul to deny Him."

God is not dead, but lives within us,
has always lived within us,
is not floating out there with the asteroids.

Until I claim and reclaim the God and gods within,
I have no soul.
I am these gods and they are me.

God is not dead.
It is we who died.
And now we come to life again.

Seeds of new life are found in old jars.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Let the compassion and grace of That Which Births Us, that is ever birthing us, move through our hearts for right action in this world.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Meditation on Psalm 3

Consider that we are composed of and surrounded by various energies. Energies of construction. Energies of destruction. We are those energies.

Then how is it that we are surrounded? Because we choose. We choose to make our home, our central point, in the energies of construction or in the energies of destruction. We choose for all time and we choose moment by moment.

When we make our home in the energies of construction, we are surrounded by destruction, that which wishes to destroy. When we make our home in the energies of destruction, we are surrounded by construction, that which wishes to bring to life rather than bring to death.

When we choose construction, though surrounded and seemingly in imminent peril, we can lie down and sleep without fear and then awake to face the day. The forces of construction will slap the face of the forces of destruction and break its teeth. We continue on our way embodying the energies of construction with no fear.