Friday, July 27, 2012

Man's great body

"The Vedic cosmological experience is not mainly temporal or spatial, as if Man were thrown into a limitless temporal or spatial sea, he himself being of different material and capable of witnessing what was happening. It is a prolongation of the experience of Man himself. The worlds are not empty places devoid of Men: they are Man's great body, the real theater where his existence unfolds. " (Raimundo Panikkar, The Vedic Experience)

At one time we humans were aware of our "great body," but over time our awareness has shrunk until many, maybe most, of us seem to believe that we are isolated particles in an alien universe. We wail and yowl and look to find our place in the order of things. We look to "make" a living rather than "be" a living. Money is our god and our religion is the constant seeking of pleasure and security.

The Vedic scriptures (as well as other cosmological stories) tell us there is a larger rhythm in this falling away from awareness. It is the rhythm of birth, death (sacrifice) and resurrection. Humanity follows this cycle. (There have been many humanities before this current one.)

Many say this humanity of which we are a part is in its death phase. Others say that is fine; it means resurrection is near: the resurrection of fresh new awareness that we are the cosmos, that we are the cosmos embodying.

As the human society is built upon this understanding, this knowing that each of us is a cosmic citizen, we will shed our clothing of death, of mistrust, violence, and despair. This transformation is happening now. Many of us are awakening to this anciently new knowledge.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

get on with it

God is not dead -- only the God we idolized, made something of, is dead. And good riddance. No need to dance around that Golden Calf. It is time for us to hitch up our spiritual britches and open to a direct partnership with our Source, with God. To move from that old servile consciousness and its I-It split to direct open companionship with The One Who Breathes Us.

To paraphrase Bob Dylan, the old order is rapidly fading. We are in a new world. A new consciousness is required. We have already achieved (or been blessed with) a planetary awareness. Now is the time to open even further -- into a cosmic awareness. Cosmic consciousness (as Richard Maurice Bucke calls it) is no stranger to many of us. Abraham Maslow pointed to its existence in his writings about "peak experiences." I have also done research in this area.

It is time for us to move beyond our petty games on this earth. It is time for each of us to actively generate our spiritual body. Consciousness is evolving on this planet. We either move along with this birthing or get left behind, dinosauric dregs of a failed experiment.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

theosis, kenosis, perichoresis

theosis: union with the ever emerging energies of our Source, the Wellspring

kenosis: emptying self of self

perichoresis: the interflow of all with All