Thursday, January 31, 2013

the ternal

1. Here is action. Action exists. Action is here. Action unfolds. Here.

2. Action is internal and external. We call the internal action thought. We call the external action the world.

3. The internal and the external are the same ternal. The internal and the external are eternal.

4. We make order of the action through story. Story orders the chaos of action. We live in story land.

5. Stories are neither true nor false. Stories are real.

6. Stories have juice: energy, fascination, believability.

7. The stories with the most juice adopt us. We become those stories and act out our part.

8. This action of our act is both internal and external. They are the same ternal.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Setting Up And Becoming A Cosmic Energy Circuit

Five of us have been meeting over the last few months to focus on the practices of consciousness transformation. I wrote this for us and thought I would share.

Setting Up And Becoming A Cosmic Energy Circuit

By cosmic energy circuit, I mean the interflow of us and the Tao, of us and our Source, of the particular and the Universal. I mean the deliberate setting up of and becoming a spiraling dynamic of Tao flow.

This is not foreign to the martial arts, the healing arts, the spiritual arts. All three arts are applications of, embodyings of, this method. For us, daily life is the practice arena, the crucible, the alchemical furnace for becoming and being a cosmic energy circuit.

Circuit means exactly that. Think of a circle composed of two curved arrows. You stand at the bottom of the circle. An energetic arrow curves out to your left and around the first half of the circle to God, to the Tao, to our Source. The energy of this arrow is Love. (“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Mark 12:30) This is energy extended outward. This is Step One.

Step Two is detachment, not being attached to anything. Even to being detached. Continuously letting go. No clinging. In martial arts, if one wishes someone to come closer, one creates a vacuum. One detaches from any desire for them to come closer, is immobile while wide awake, like a cat at a mouse hole, unmoving. An air of expectancy with no attachment to the expectancy.

Immense room is created in this way. God, the Tao, our Source, the Cosmic Energy Flow cannot help but come in. This is the second arrow of the circle, curving around from the Above where your Love “ends” and filling the emptiness you have co-created.

Meister Eckhart put this two step process this way: “Love constrains me to love God, but detachment compels God to love me.” The Tao will always fill a Void. Our Source will always move in to fill our Capaciousness.

So there you have it. How to set up and become a Cosmic Energy Circuit.

Simple, huh?



Time-honored methods exist for practicing and opening to this cosmic interflow. Contemplation, Contemplative Prayer, Mindfulness, Mindful Awareness, Creative Visualization, Silence, Creative Imagination. Practicing the Presence, Meditation, Fasting of the Mind are the names of a few.