Wednesday, August 6, 2014

redemption from exile

The orthodox form of Christianity is based upon sin and sacrifice. Sin is separation from God which can be abolished only by the offering of a sacrifice. Something has to die to bring back the closeness, to annihilate the gap. God himself, in the form of his Son, is decreed the only worthy sacrifice. This salvation plan is the result of subject-object consciousness.

The form of Christianity I know is based upon ignore-ance (ignorance) and wisdom (knowledge). Ignore-ance separates us from the Ultimate Reality, from God and can be abolished only by the obtaining of wisdom, by the opening of awareness. We open to Wisdom (Sophia or Christ Consciousness) and continue opening since there is no end.  This redemption plan produces and springs from nondual consciousness.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

On reading David Miller's "Jung and the Interpretation of the Bible"

We read the Bible not for its imagery to comfort and pacify the ego, that little sense of separate self, but to amplify, expand the soul. We do not look here for salve-ation of the ego, salving its wounds, thus keeping it in its small bounded place, but we look for opening our souls, our psyches to new strangeness, to boundless realms previously unknown. When read in this way, the Bible does not clothe us in chain mail of dogmatic certainty, but throws off our pre-determined clothing and allows us to move more closely to the likeness of God, our Source who births us even as we birth ourselves. (This also applies to reading the Tanakh, the Qur'an, the Sutras, the Upanishads, the Gita, the Tao Te Ching.) Amen

Sunday, January 19, 2014


1/19/14 Awoke from dream, 2 a.m.

There were two men. Every day each would arise and prove a pole. The pole reached to the sky and was anchored in the ground, had a base plate. One pole was blue. One was grey. Given the symbols chosen and their relationship, each always came to the same conclusion, proved the pole. The men were calm, showed no interest in disputing each other, were benignly aware of each other. People were amazed that they could start with nothing and bring the poles into existence. The men died. The poles continued to be proven into existence. Every day.

I arose and wrote the dream down. 

I became aware of two existent poles. (There are more.)

Pole A Pole B
A Lord exists. Suffering exists.
There is only one Lord. Splitness causes suffering.
Jesus is Lord. With splitness comes anger, fear,
If a Lord, then a Kingdom. ignorance.
Only one Kingdom. Non-splitness can occur.
Other(s) claim Lordship. Non-splitness, no suffering.
Fight over Kingdom.
Choose sides.
Final Battle.
Victory forever.
Vanquished forever.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Imagine the Angel of your Being, a boundless sphere of radiant energy whose center is just above your head, extending down into your heart and being. Imagine Its Angel of Its Being just above It doing the same extending downward. And so on, for 10 Angels of Being until the last one merges with the Source of all Being. This vertical dimension of Energy extends into you. You are the Angel of Being that walks this horizontal realm of time and space we call the world.