Thursday, May 16, 2013

becoming the hyphen of the subject-object split

Many see Jesus as an intermediary, rather than example. This is a subtle, yet blatant, evasion of responsibility.


  1. It's that strange statement about you must come to the Father through me which no doubt was put there by the early orthodox church. It's no different than making the Buddha into a God which is another evasion of the truth.

  2. So True...thanks JB and George

  3. Which or what actual responsibility are you referring to ??
    I know each of us has a responsibility to to ourselves to understand the truth as we see it, or as it is laid out for us to see, but I am not sure what responsibility is being evaded here. thanks George or JB or anyone for your thoughts in advance, HB

  4. I've met many along my journey who profess to be a follower of Jesus Christ that were literally sleepwalking through life, believing everything related to their spiritual health was addressed and taken care of FOR them. Many of these same people would abuse other people, animals, and drugs and alcohol believing their "sins were forgiven" so everything was fair game. They were without the slightest evidence of any higher consciousness whatsoever. A very sad state of affairs for these souls.
