Tuesday, December 31, 2013


“The only means of attaining the Absolute lies in adapting ourselves to It.”  --Recejac,  quoted in Underhill, Mysticism, p. 90

I am thinking that rather than an evolution of human consciousness, there is an infusion of  higher (transcendent) consciousness from realms other than genetic heredity and certainly from other than the human societal realm.

Some individuals are “struck” by it and have little choice in the matter, Others can, through specific methods, train themselves to develop a capacity for it. The latter is generally done through methods of quieting the mind or through encouraging the mind to greater excitation through imagery, sound, or substances.

While the evolution of human consciousness is one I would like to believe in (it certainly fits my bodhisattva tendencies –“I will not enter heaven until all go there”), and certainly relish the idea of all us two-leggeds dwelling in cosmic consciousness while tending to our earthly life, if there is an evolution of human consciousness, it is not only excruciatingly slow, it does not seem reflected in the daily news.

Of course, there is the concept within evolutionary thought of the stochastic leap, a phenomenon of  exceedingly rapid burst of change. This idea is popularized in the Hundredth Monkey story, loved by all new agers. Heaven appears suddenly in our midst.

My thought is that a heavenly, or a name I prefer, transcendent consciousness is already here. We are just too busy doing our stuff (making a living, searching for love, building up security, zoning out, and all the other absorptions we call “our lives”) to recognize it.

When will we change our minds?

Thursday, December 26, 2013


We have made Christ an object and not surprisingly some object to that object and some subject (themselves) to that object. In addition, in objectifying the world, we have made ourselves an object. But neither are we nor is Christ an object. Christ is a Presence. When we stop objectifying ourselves, we are Presence.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

shaman theologian

A theologian is one who studies issues of ultimate concern.
(I learned this definition from my spiritual friend, Beverly Lanzetta.)
In doing so, a theologian is both bold and foolish enough
to attempt to describe the ultimate (that beyond description).

Knowing that the Ultimate cannot be captured
in any combination of 5 vowels and 21 consonants (in the case of English),
the theologian goes ahead anyway,
knowing that the pointing finger is not The Point.

A theologian helps weave a conceptual structure,
helps create a frame, a jungle gym for spiritual play.

There are theistic theologians, non-theistic theologians, and a-theistic theologians.

Each spiritual gym represents a religion. Each person becomes comfortable in working out at a specific gym. Every human has a gym.

Each gym has its own set of theologians, who say what the gym structure and rules are, what workout machines exist, and how the gym is to be used for maximum spiritual exercise.

A shaman theologian may have a favorite gym, yet becomes acquainted with them all. A shaman theologian knows what is going on in each gym, respects them all, and sees the common purpose. A shaman theologian is interested in and promotes inter-gym dialogue.


Mother-Daughter-Holy Spirit 
Father-Son-Holy Spirit
Sphere With No Bounds - Sphere With Permeable Membrane - Radiance
Chooser - Chosen - Action
Buddha - Bodhisattva - Compassion

Sunday, December 15, 2013

new language

In viewing Christianity as a consciousness discipline, I see that much of its language is outmoded, requires new understanding.

Salvation: Transformation of consciousness. 

Sin: Remaining in divisive, dualistic consciousness. 

Trinity: Wellspring, Offspring, Radiance

Redemption: Embodying the Trinity; moving as the Radiance of the Offspring of the Wellspring.

Born again: A continuous process with the awareness that one is living/dying, constructing/destructing in and as every moment. Salvation (transformation of consciousness) continues.

Penance: The showing of Love.

Love: The feeling and action that occurs with the heartfelt understanding that one is an interflow with all that is.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

all things become new

“If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

What does it mean to be in Christ? It means to open to Christ consciousness.What is Christ consciousness? To know that I and the Father are one. Who/what is the Father? The Father is the Origin, the Wellspring, beyond all gender. Christ consciousness is to know that I and the Wellspring are one.

What is Christ consciousness? To know that I am the Son of the Father, the Daughter of the Mother, the Offspring of the Wellspring.

What is Christ consciousness? To know that the Wellspring, the Origin, the Source is within me and I am within the Wellspring. Simultaneously.

Here abides the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Mother, Daughter, Holy Spirit. Here abides the Wellspring, Offspring and Lifeforce.  We are the Wellspring, Offspring and Lifeforce.

What is the quality of the Lifeforce, that Energy radiating outward and inward from the Wellspring, the Origin? Love.

What is Christ consciousness? Opening to the fullness of being, the awareness that one is the Wellspring springing, the Offspring receiving and embodying, the Energy of Love flowing through and expanding out of one’s Heart, one’s Core